The effects of local anesthetic normally last 3-4 hours. To avoid damage to your tongue, cheeks and lips, you should avoid chewing until the numbness has completely worn off. Also avoid hot drinks or food if you are very numb.

First and Second Week: Eating: Avoid any excessive pressure onto the teeth implants/dressing area. This is very important. You should only eat soft nutritious food for two weeks.

Avoid hard sticky foods. Maintain a soft, high protein diet. Avoid pushing your tongue near the dental implant area for at least 2 – 4 weeks.

Medication: Take antibiotics and pain relieving pills as prescribed. Finish the course of antibiotics. If you have a reaction to the medication, please telephone the practice. Only take painkillers when needed.

Hygiene: Avoid brushing the area with the dressing and dental implant. Rinse with Corsodyl Mouthwash twice a day. This keeps the teeth implant area clean and undisturbed. Exercise: Avoid physical exertion (i.e. sports, heavy lifting etc). This can cause bleeding around the dental imlpant.

Alcohol: Avoid alcohol for 2 weeks as this can affect the healing of the tissues around the dental implant. Smoking: Avoid smoking for 3 days before treatment and 2 weeks after as this will also slow down the healing process around the teeth implant.

Food & Drink: Avoid very hot drinks and spicy/acidic foods. Do not eat hard crusty foods as this can cause more pressure on the teeth implant. A surgical dressing will be placed around the teeth implant area after surgery. This should remain in place for about two weeks. Do not use a tooth pik or touch the dental implant area with your tongue.

Ice packs: A cold icepack should be applied externally over the teeth implant treated area as much as possible for the first three days. This helps reduce swelling.

Denture Wear: If you wear a denture, this will be relieved so that no pressure is applied to the dental implant(s). The denture is placed with a protective dressing and should not be removed for 2 weeks.

Third Week: Lightly brush the dental implant area after the dressing has been removed (normally two weeks after the surgery). You can dip your toothbrush in Corsodyl liquid and brush gently around the treated areas.

Fourth Week: Resume normal cleaning around the dental implant area.

Note: It is very important that you maintain your oral hygiene and home care at a high standard to ensure no plaque builds up around the gums, and that you attend the regular check-up appointments. Please do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions.